Pregnancy yoga
These classes have been specifically designed to support your pregnancy journey. You can expect to be guided in:
* how to create space; physically, mentally and emotionally to connect with your body and your baby
* breath techniques to support you during the different stages of labour;
* optimal foetal positioning;
* support for your changing body and common ailments during pregnancy; and
* feeling empowered, more energised and a sense of overall well-being with a community sharing a journey of pregnancy.
These classes are suitable for those 14 weeks or more into their pregnancies. If you are at an earlier stage than this, please do get in touch so we can discuss participation in the classes.
I am a mother and have been practicing yoga for over a decade. I adapted my practice during both of my pregnancies to support my body and my babies and in preparation for labour and birth.

Paused due to Covid-19
Novio Magnus Scout Hall, Bourne Road, DA1 4BU
Please email to be kept up to date with class information. Places are strictly limited to comply with COVID-19 protocols.